
  1. Saxifraga 1.14 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release

    What's Changed

    The wait is over! The Export Module has undergone a thorough optimization. The result is a significant decrease in report processing time - making the wait for your data much shorter. Here are the technical details:

    • We refactored the data queries for each report, resulting in a significant decrease in report processing time.
    • Reports which generally require short processing time are now processed in parallel with slower reports. In other words users can get insight to their data without having to wait for an unreasonable amount of time.
    • We improved logging and monitoring of performance of the Export Module, enabling us to handle bottlenecks before it impacts our users.

    The first couple of users have already reported that it is faster than lightning!


    What's new

    • We added a duplicate check of recipients to SMS Outbound. If a recipient is listed more than once when sending af batch of text messages they will only receive one text message. This saves the OnlineFundraising user time (and money spent on sent texts!)


    Bug fixes

    • Email templates in Communications: The merge tag {{purposeName}} did not work in email preview/test send when used in the email topic. This has been fixed.


  2. Not a release note...


    ...but we're still releasing! This channel has been quiet for a little while but the developers are still at work to maintain and improve OnlineFundraising. Everything will be summarised in our release notes, so keep an eye out for the next update.


    Best regards,

    The Development Team



  3. Saxifraga 1.13 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release


    What's new

    We introduced a new feature which allows the OnlineFundraising user to inspect and copy the raw json of a DataSet. This is useful for debugging and analysis of DataSets.


    Data sets


    What's changed

    We have made some changes in the Email Service which improves the loading speed of the frontend, giving the OnlineFundraising user a smoother experience when working with the Communications module.


    Bug fixes

    We fixed a bug which caused some buttons in Communications to go missing in the UI for smaller screens, for instance a 13" laptop screen.


  4. Saxifraga 1.12 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release

    What's new

    • We added the option to copy a value with one click. This makes it easier for users to copy e.g. a transaction no. for use in a separate system.
    Dashboard (1)
    • It is now possible to interact with x- and y-axes on the dashboard. Use this feature to zoom in on your data and get all the details.


    What's changed

    • We optimized the Email History, which suffered from long response times in the UI. This is an improvement of the user experience and should bring down the time spent navigating in the Email History.
    • Payment Methods are now sorted by newest first. If a Contact has many Payment Methods, it is possible to expand and collapse the list.


    Bug fixes

    • We fixed the Drag and drop-functionality in the email editor which did not work as intended. This bug prevented OnlineFundraising users from creating and editing email templates in Communications. Existing emails are not affected.
    • The field contactType is no longer missing when editing Contacts. The field was only missing in the UI, and any data collected from forms or similar is intact.
    • We removed the option to edit Shared Agreements. This option is not available, but was temporarily available after our latest major release.
    • Labels in dashboard graphs have been fixed so they are not cut off or missing in smaller screen sizes.
    • We re-introduced the error review funcitonality in SMS Outbound batches. When an OnlineFundraising user uplaods a batch to SMS outbound they may be errors associated with specific rows of the batch, and the review error functionality allows the user to inspect each error in order to resolve them. This functionality was missing since our latest major release and is now working as usual.
    • SMS Campaigns no longer disappear if a user tries to create it without resolving errors. A typical error is that a required field has not been filled out. Errors are now highlighted so the OnlineFundraising user can correct them before creating the SMS Campaign wothout losing their changes.


  5. Saxifraga Umbrosa - Release notes

    Release notes
    Major Release

    We have launched a major release to OnlineFundraising which includes a Dashboard, major updates to Communications, and new features for SMS:

    1. Dashboard: We are very happy to announce that the Dashboard has arrived to OnlineFundraising! The Dashboard replaces the OnlineFundraising home page and gives the user an overview of the big picture of the donations flow in OnlineFundraising.
    2. SMS: We added some quality of life features that help users plan and execute SMS batches while minimising costs.
    3. Communications: Some of the feedback we often get about Communications is that it is difficult to maintain. Many organisations end up with long lists of Communications and a lack of overview of which templates are being used. This release addresses these difficulties head on with some major updates, including a new overview, improved editor experience, as well as a number of features that are helpful in terms of maintaining Communications.


    Read along to learn more about the details of the release, and let us know what you think in the Ideas section of this platform.


    1. Dashboard



    The Dashboard replaces the home page of OnlineFundraising and provides insight to:

    1. Total amount collected this year
    2. Total amount of expected payments next month
    3. Bar chart showing the amount of charged payments pr. week the last month. Drill down to amount per payment method by hovering your mouse over each bar or select which payments methods to view data for by clicking on the legend.
    4. Graph of the amount of expected payment pr. month for the next year
    5. View the timestamp of when the Dashboard was last updated. The Dashboard is updated every night.
    6. Users with a keen eye will notice the new search bar; this allows users to search for payments, contacts, and subscriptions in one place using the usual keywords.

    We expect to add more features, such as export of data, graphs of SMS inbound and Outbound, additional filtering options, and the likes - let us know what you would like to see first.


    2. SMS

    What's new in SMS Inbound and Outbound:

    • The SMS Inbound and Outbound have been moved to the same space in the menu so everything SMS related is found in one space.
    • Users can now add SMS keywords directly from the Campaign, making the configuration process much simpler.
    • We added the total number of sent messages to the Batch overview. This feature helps users identify if a batch was used for test or the real deal.
    • Minimise your costs by minimising the number of messages in an SMS. We added a feature which highlights if your SMS is turning into several messages due to use of unicode characters and the likes.


    3. Communications

    We really aren't kidding when we say that we have made major updates to Communications. Read along for the details - or watch this video to get a demo of Communications from none other than Stephan Viftrup, Director of OnlineFundraising (in Danish).



    3.1. New Communications Overview



    The Communications overview has been greatly improved with the following features:

    • View created date of Communication. Old Communications may be in need of a review, or they need to be removed all together.
    • Colorcoded overview of templates. When a custom template is created it is colorcoded according to its status - green for active, and yellow for work in progress. If the circle is empty the template is inherited from parent Communication
    • Hover over a template to see where it is inherited from and quickly edit Communication name
    • Expand/collapse parent Communications to get a better overview
    • Search for Communications by name to quickly locate the Communication you would like to work on
    • Get helpful information about your Communication with our new notifications system. The notifications let you know if 1) the sender email domain is not validated or 2) your template is setup using the old editor. Communications using the old editor are usually outdated and need to be reviewed or removed
    • Get an overview of which email domains are in use across all Communications and what their validation status is. Select a specific domain to highlight which Communications it is used for. This allows for easy cleanup in case your organisation has a change in domain or campaign specific domains need to be removed
    • Quickly access a Communication Template by clicking on the corresponding icon. This saves our users several clicks and a lot of scrolling


    3.2. Editing Communications

    New features in editing Communications:

    • We added the ability to change Parent Communication. If a Communication is moved it will inherit its templates from the new parent.
    • Delete a Communication. Once a Communication is created it is usually there to stay, but in some cases users need to delete a Communication. For instance, if the Communication was created by mistake, replaced or outdated.
    • Optimised navigation in Communications:
      • Expand/Collapse all templates
      • Copy/Paste buttons have been moved so they are easier for the user to find
      • Edit inherited templates: Instead of having to create a new template, users can now select to edit inherited templates directly, saving them several clicks.
    • Colorcoded template icons allows the user to quickly decode which templates have been activated, and which are still a work in progress.
    • Improved editor experience:
      1. On screen HTML is now created using a WYSIWYG editor (instead of flat HTML)
      2. The visual email editor now has actions undo/redo, as well as the option to add a pre-header to the email
      3. We made it easier to add merge tags in the SMS editor




    3.2. Convert templates from old to new editor without losing your content

    We improved the process for converting email templates from the old editor to the new editor by introducing af draft stage. When an email template is converted from the old editor to the new visual editor, the user can now review af draft before saving and replacing the original template.

    Steps to convert to the visual editor now consist of:

    1. Edit email template
    2. Click 'Switch to visual editor'
    3. Review old email and design in the visual editor
    4. Click 'Convert and save'




    4. Other

    What's new:

    • Hover over a menu item to see sub-items

    Bug fixes:

    • Communication now supports using the mergetag {{nextDueDate}} in format YYYY-MM-DD


  6. Saxifraga 1.10 - Release notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release


    • Betalingsservice has chosen to sunset the Mandate API 3.0 as of June 2023. This means that end-users can no longer authenticate Betalingsservice agreements using the Betalingsservice App. In correspondance, we have deprecated the implementation of the API in OnlineFundraising and removed. Betalingsservice is otherwise unaffected, and OnlineFundraising customers do not need to take any action. None of our current customers are affected by this change.


    What's new

    • OnlineFundraising's Quickpay Engine now supports MOTO (Mail Order or Telephone Order). This is available for customers who have a Quickpay agreement approved for MOTO.


    Bug fixes

    • We fixed a timestamp formating issue for OnlineFundraising user's who are using Firefox. Timestamps are correct in all other aspects.
    • We fixed a UI bug where the fields National Id and Business Code were not properly displayed in the Contact overview. The fields are only displayed if they contain data.



  7. Did you know? Keyboard Shortcuts in OnlineFundraising


    OnlineFundraising supports keyboard shourtcuts that help speed up navigation in tables. This post shows you how to paginate and iterate through records using arrow keys.


    Paginate Using Arrow Keys

    Recent Announcements from OnlineFundraising _


    Iterate Records Using Arrows Keys

    Tutorial_ Iterate Records with Arrow Keys


  8. Saxifraga 1.9 - Release notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release

    What's new

    • Change log: We added a link to the change log in the event of two Contacts merged. This means that the OnlineFundraising user is now able to navigate to the archived Contact by accessing the change log instead of performing a manual search.




    Bug Fixes

    • Communication: We fixed a bug where some fields were not mered correctly in the Communication template for event type Recurring Payment Charged.
    • QuickPay: The Quickpay engine now supports Payment state change from rejected to pending.


  9. Saxifraga 1.8 - Release Notes

    Release notes

    Bug Fixes

    In lieu of our latest major update to OnlineFundraising, we fixed a number of bugs:

    • DataSet Source is now displayed correctly for SMS (shortcode + keyword) and Onboarding Campaign
    • Adjusted columns widths in DataSet list
    • Buttons in Payment Method area no longer spill outside of area
    • Search for Contact by phone number is (again) possible with and without country code
    • Display paymentGatewayTransactionId in Payments list


    In addition, we have fixed a couple of bugs in other areas of OnlineFundraising:

    • Nets Easy: PaymentGatewayTransactionId (Payment) now equals DibsPaymentId for Single, OneOff and Recurring payments
    • Communications: Query parameters in URL now take effect as intended
    • Export: We fixed the date filter so it handles date intervals correctly


    What's Next

    The next major release is in planned for the beginning of August. Sneak a peek at the upcoming features by exploring the ideas below.


    Improvements in Communication

    Vi introducerer et nyt og forbedret overblik over Communications, der har til formål at gøre det nemmere at overskue og vedligeholde Communications i OnlineFundraising. Overblikket er en tilføjelse til Communications-modulet i OnlineFundraising, og opsætningen af en Communication vil være den samme som før.   Med det ny overblik kan OnlineFundraising-brugere: Se hvornår en Communication er oprettet Få et hurtigt overblik over hvilke templates der bliver brugt i en Communication Få nemmere overblik over, hvilke templates der er nedarvet fra andre Communications   Nye features inkluderer: Søge blandt Communications Filtrere i Communications Ændre parent Communication WYSIWYG editor i HTML bekræftelsesbesked Oversigt over hvilke email domæner der er i brug, samt om de er valideret eller ej   Mens vi er i gang, så tilføjer vi nogle forbedringer: Opdatering af Stripo Email editor til nyeste version. Editoren vil langt hen ad vejen se ud som og opføre sig som du er vant til, men indeholder til gengæld flere funktioner som fx undo og konfiguration af pre-header. Konversion fra den gamle til den ny editor kommer til at hjælpe brugeren bedre på vej, så det er nemmere at skifte editor uden at den gamle template går tabt. Navigering i Communications optimeres, så så brugeren kan komme hurtigere rundt og finde de rigtige knapper lidt nemmere.

    Matilda Camitz




    We are adding a dashboard to OnlineFundraising with the following components: Key number: Payments received to date for current year Key number: Expected charged amount next month Graph: Amount of charged payments per week the last month. Distributed on Payment Method. Graph: Expected charged amount the next 12 months

    Matilda Camitz



    Add SMS Keyword directly from Campaign

    We are adding the ability to add one or more Keywords to a Campaign in SMS Inbound - directly from the Campaign. It will still be possible to select Campaign for a specific Keyword.

    Matilda Camitz



    Add # sent messages to Batch overview

    We are adding Batch to the overview in SMS Outbound. This way, users can check how many messages were sent in a Batch without opening each Batch.

    Matilda Camitz



  10. Email History and Merge Contacts Feature

    Release notes
    Major Release


    1. What's new

    We have added several new features to OnlineFundraising which makes administration much easier. Read along to get an overview of what's new.


    1.1 Email History

    Communications now features Email History. Users can inspect emails sent via OnlineFundraising and verify that a Communication is running as expected.




    Use the Email History to lookup emails to specific recipients and obtain details of the content, connected entities and more. This is especially handy if an end-user is enquiring about email activity from your organisation. Read our support guide to learn more.




    We have also added the ability to resend confirmation message on a Subscription. 


    1.2 Merge Contacts

    Users are now able to merge Contacts directly in the UI.


    Select Contact data to keep and review the result before merging. Learn about the details of merging Contacts in our support guide.




    1.3 Advanced Administration of Transactional Data

    We've added several new functions which make it easier to administer transactional data in OnlineFundraising:


    1.4 Additional Features

    • Notifications: We have added notifications to OnlineFundraising. This way, we can easily communicate upcoming changes that may affect your organisation.
    • Live filter: Table views now update live when you select a filter - one click saved!


    2. Bug Fixes

    • Edge case in DIBS Engine callback: We fixed a bug in the DIBS Engine where a successful outcome was reported based on a callback that arrives before the response of a failed HTTP request.
    • Check if keyword is availble: Keywords are now trimmed of trailing white spaces before executing keyword availability check.
