
  1. 2024-12 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release

    What's new

    The past weeks have brought a series of optimizations in handling a growing number of payments through the latest gateways: SaltPay, Arion Bank, and MobilePay Number, in addition to the ongoing re-implementation of Vipps MobilePay Recurring (formerly Subscriptions) in alignment with their releases.


    In addition to the work on the upcoming releases of MFA and FormBuilder v2, moving towards OnlineFundraising version 5, we have made changes to the handling of Communications, so it is no longer possible to delete them but instead archive them, aligning with our other APIs.



  2. 2024-10 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Major Release

    What's new

    We have been working on improving our internal handling of fundraising in connection with TV shows such as Hjertegalla and Knæk Cancer, as this type of delivery has gradually become part of our routine. Currently, we are looking ahead to Danmarks Indsamling in January 2025.


    Separately, we have expanded the search functionality on Contacts, making it possible to search by: National ID (DK: CPR number, IS: Kennitala), Business Code (DK: CVR number), External ID, MSISDN (phone number), and email. Hopefully, this will make it easier to locate a specific donor in daily operations.


    The most significant part of this release, however, is the so-called Payment Receiver, which enables automatic import of MobilePay Nummer (formerly "MyShop") payments, and the Webhook Self-Service, which allows you to configure webhooks with your preferred integration partner. Both features represent the first versions of functionalities we have bigger plans for.


    For more, please see our guides and presentation by our CEO, Stephan Viftrup:


  3. 2024-06 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Major Release

    What's new

    In this release, we implemented another Icelandic payment gateway to handle Direct Debit with Arion Banki. This may seem insignificant for our Danish customers, but it demonstrates our ability to integrate new payment gateways and aligns with our strategic goal of expanding OnlineFundraising beyond Denmark.


    Building on this, it makes sense to adopt Vipps MobilePay in Norway and Finland, as well as in Sweden, where MobilePay is currently gaining traction. Feel free to reach out to us if you also have ambitions in this direction.



  4. 2024-05 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Major Release

    What's new

    Nothing pleases our Data Protection Officer more than working with data minimization and automatic cleanup of outdated data, which has been the primary focus of this release.

    At OnlineFundraising, we strive to make it as easy as possible for your members and donors to provide their personal information to you as a charitable organization, whether it is via a web form, telemarketing call, street fundraising, SMS campaign, or custom-built integration with OnlineFundraising.

    As a data processor, we are committed to ensuring that this is done securely, both in terms of where and how data is stored, and equally importantly, how long data is retained in our primary and secondary subsystems.

    So this time, you will have to wait a bit longer for new features.


  5. 2024-04 - Release Notes

    Release notes

    What's new

    In this release, we have compiled various smaller and scattered tasks related to bugs or optimization opportunities across our system landscape. From a long list of items, we will highlight the following.


    UPDATED : 2024-06-13

    Following this, we have unfortunately discovered that we released a breaking change that affects the accounting of payments via ePay. This change was not intended to be released without further clarification and notification to organizations and integrators. We deeply regret this and are working on a proper handling of the situation. We will review our procedures for such releases to prevent this from happening again.


    UPDATED : 2024-07-16

    We have decided to roll back the above mentioned change as of August 1, 2024. This means that from August 1, you will find ePay's Order ID as before. The ePay payments that have been processed in the meantime will remain unchanged to avoid further unintended consequences.

    To assist you as best as possible, we will provide full export files of your payment data, and you can always contact us at for questions or clarifications.

    We apologize once again for the inconvenience, and we are in the process of revising our procedures to avoid similar situations in the future.


    What's changed

    • Email Service: We have improved our ability to validate domains for sending email addresses from the organization's domain.
    • Communications: We have added standard fields for the organization's postal code and city.
    • Export: We have updated the interface for the export module to align with our standards for future development.
    • Form: We have added support for the URL parameter: "utm_id".
    • Web Resources: We have adjusted the caching duration of web resources in OnlineFundraising's portal to prevent users from using a locally cached and outdated version.
    • Internationalization: We have been working on further internationalization and translation of Danish terms for the benefit of our Icelandic customers.



    • MobilePay: Until now, we have not updated the agreement's amount in MobilePay's app, which is particularly relevant following upgrades via telemarketing.
    • MobilePay: We have updated our handling of Refund callbacks according to the new API following MobilePay's migration with Vipps.
    • QuickPay: Customers experienced that QuickPay no longer forwarded the provided phone number to MobilePay, which we have reviewed and fixed initially, however it seems several gateways are experiencing a similar issue in relation to MobilePay.
    • QuickPay: In the event of failed charge attempts via QuickPay, we did not register the error code and message from QuickPay. This has now been corrected.
    • QuickPay: We have improved our logging and handling of payment sessions where Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) was required, failed from the user's side, and then successfully retried.
    • ePay: We have registered ePay's Order ID as the transaction number in OnlineFundraising, which we have now corrected.
    • NETS Easy: We have fixed our handling of callbacks if the gateway is temporarily down.
    • Teya: We have fixed various minor errors in our handling of callbacks from Teya.
    • SMS Keyword: We have added a date restriction for SMS campaigns run by organizations that are not members of ISOBRO, as required by 4T under
    • DataSet: The information "isTransactional" was not correctly derived in all cases.
    • Internationalization: We have fixed our validation of the Icelandic Kennitala (National ID).


  6. 2024-03 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Major Release

    What's new

    In this release, we have practiced crossing national borders, starting with Iceland, which is why this release is named after Iceland's national flower.

    Although all interfaces in OnlineFundraising are in English, we have realized how much we still think in Danish. Therefore, in this release, we have worked on our ability to translate and contextualize everything related to Forms and Communications.

    However, the most significant addition is our integration with the Icelandic payment gateway, Teya (formerly SaltPay), allowing payment by card in Iceland via OnlineFundraising. We are incredibly pleased to offer this to our Icelandic customers, making it our fourth integration with a Payment Service Provider and our seventh payment solution overall.

    But we are not done yet, as another integration is on the horizon, which will enable OnlineFundraising to accept "Direct Debit" payments via bank in Iceland.



  7. Saxifraga 1.15 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release

    What's new

    This release has primarily focused on minor fixes, with the following highlights.


    What's changed

    • Manual merge of Contacts via the interface now includes all personal information.
    • Integration with QuickPay has been improved in terms of handling callbacks.


    Bug fixes

    • The interface for email history displayed timestamps incorrectly.
    • The interface for Payment Method lacked a nuance regarding Betalingsservice with FI cards.
    • The interface for Communications used less appropriate examples in tests.


  8. Saxifraga 1.14 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release

    What's Changed

    The wait is over! The Export Module has undergone a thorough optimization. The result is a significant decrease in report processing time - making the wait for your data much shorter. Here are the technical details:

    • We refactored the data queries for each report, resulting in a significant decrease in report processing time.
    • Reports which generally require short processing time are now processed in parallel with slower reports. In other words users can get insight to their data without having to wait for an unreasonable amount of time.
    • We improved logging and monitoring of performance of the Export Module, enabling us to handle bottlenecks before it impacts our users.

    The first couple of users have already reported that it is faster than lightning!


    What's new

    • We added a duplicate check of recipients to SMS Outbound. If a recipient is listed more than once when sending af batch of text messages they will only receive one text message. This saves the OnlineFundraising user time (and money spent on sent texts!)


    Bug fixes

    • Email templates in Communications: The merge tag {{purposeName}} did not work in email preview/test send when used in the email topic. This has been fixed.


  9. Not a release note...


    ...but we're still releasing! This channel has been quiet for a little while but the developers are still at work to maintain and improve OnlineFundraising. Everything will be summarised in our release notes, so keep an eye out for the next update.


    Best regards,

    The Development Team



  10. Saxifraga 1.13 - Release Notes

    Release notes
    Minor Release


    What's new

    We introduced a new feature which allows the OnlineFundraising user to inspect and copy the raw json of a DataSet. This is useful for debugging and analysis of DataSets.


    Data sets


    What's changed

    We have made some changes in the Email Service which improves the loading speed of the frontend, giving the OnlineFundraising user a smoother experience when working with the Communications module.


    Bug fixes

    We fixed a bug which caused some buttons in Communications to go missing in the UI for smaller screens, for instance a 13" laptop screen.
