2024-10 - Release Notes
What's new
We have been working on improving our internal handling of fundraising in connection with TV shows such as Hjertegalla and Knæk Cancer, as this type of delivery has gradually become part of our routine. Currently, we are looking ahead to Danmarks Indsamling in January 2025.
Separately, we have expanded the search functionality on Contacts, making it possible to search by: National ID (DK: CPR number, IS: Kennitala), Business Code (DK: CVR number), External ID, MSISDN (phone number), and email. Hopefully, this will make it easier to locate a specific donor in daily operations.
The most significant part of this release, however, is the so-called Payment Receiver, which enables automatic import of MobilePay Nummer (formerly "MyShop") payments, and the Webhook Self-Service, which allows you to configure webhooks with your preferred integration partner. Both features represent the first versions of functionalities we have bigger plans for.
For more, please see our guides and presentation by our CEO, Stephan Viftrup: