Feature Ideas

  1. Save Export Filters

    OnlineFundraising users will be able to save an Export filter for later use.

    Matilda Camitz


  2. FormBuilder v2

    A new and improved version of OnlineFundraising's FormBuilder.

    Matilda Camitz


  3. Webhook Self-Service

    Today, webhooks are created by th dev-team in OnlineFundraising. As a consequence, developers, integration partners and customers must request webhooks via support@onlinefundraising.dk. We plan on developing a webhook self-service such that an OnlineFundraising user (with the appropriate user role) can create one or more webhooks and provide the endpoint directly in OnlineFundraising. The self-service will include an overview of webhooks that have been dispatched from OnlineFundraising (history). This would ease integrating with OnlineFundraising for developers and integration partners. It would also help in terms of troubleshooting integrations that are in the process of being developed or already live with customers.

    Matilda Camitz


  4. Multi Factor Authentication

    We are working on a new identity access management system (IAM) for OnlineFundraising. This phase of the project will include the following features: OnlineFundraising users will be able to Configure MFA for their login User self-service as you know it: Reset password and "I forgot my password" User management: View and manage users and user roles with additional information and updated UI. New and improved invite flow User roles get a makeover and wil be more attuned to our customers' needs. This includes roles with granulated read and write access You may think that being a user and managing users will look and feel alot like the same as before - introducing MFA is only the first step, and it enables us to deliver faster on additional features down the road - such as single sign-on and login via our website. Organisations who are using Onboarding can look forward to having user management in one place, and Export experts will be able to save their favourite filter to re-use the next time around.

    Matilda Camitz


  5. Add Google Pay and Apple Pay as payment methods in OnlineFundraising

    would be great additions to let users pay using those services

    jesper s
    #Payment Engine


  6. Add SMS Overview to Dashboard

    The dashboard will be expanded with an overview of inbound and outbound SMSes.

    Matilda Camitz


  7. Select columns for Export

    OnlineFundraising users will be able to select which columns to include in an Export report.

    Matilda Camitz


  8. MobilePay Numbers (Formerly MyShop) integration

    MobilePay Numbers (formerly MyShop) integration with OnlineFundraising, allowing the users to track (anonymous) payments to specific MobilePay Numbers phone numbers.

    Matilda Camitz
    #Payment Engine


  9. Initiate MobilePay session with SMS keyword

    It will be possible to configure a keyword to initiate a session in MobilePay. The end-user will still provide their final approval of payment in the MobilePay app. The new configuration will be added as a new SMS Campaign type (Alongside No response, Message, Payment_, and Subscription).

    Matilda Camitz
    #SMS Inbound


  10. SMS "within hours"

    Change sms scheduling "within hours", so start-time is before end-time (e.g. "10-12" instead of "12-10). This would be more intuitve.

    Rasmus Møller J
    #SMS Outbound


  11. MailChimp integration

    Many organisations use MailChimp for marketing. An integration would help most organisationens without CRM.

    Kim G


  12. Plan Payment outside of Agreement schedule

    Support planning af Payment outside of Agreement schedule to support use cases where the end-user (Donor/Member) may have missed a payment and agrees to make the payment before the next due date. This is especially useful if the Agreement is annual. This feature will be available in the API and as an action in the UI.

    Matilda Camitz
    #Payment Engine#Administration


  13. Dropdown i Cancel subscription

    Ville man kunne lave denne som en dropdown med X antal faste valgmuligheder (fx økonomi, død, sur, andet), så vi kan registrere de samme på tværs af organisationen – uden stavefejl? Så har vi ensartet afmelding, som kan opfanges, når vi laver segmenter i CRM.

    Rasmus Møller J


  14. Email notifications to administrators for donations and memberships

    A feature that allows the organisation/company administrator of donations/memberships to switch on notifications that pushes an email every time a new donation/transaction/payment ticks in. Even better if you could choose to receive notifications for every transaction, once a day and once a week. This would save having to check the online portal once a day for new donations. Email notifications to administrators for donations and memberships

    Rasmus Grøhn D


  15. Mulighed for at kunne se afsendte SMS'er

    Mulighed for at kunne se de SMS'er, der bliver afsendt fra systemet.

    Dennis L
